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Someone on tumblr said that gay people can't flirt normally, its always something like saying eachothers first names. And I knew instantly I had to write this.

Theres an extra bit to this fic that I cut. You can read it here

Steven straightened out his uniform, it still needed to be worn in. His boots were uncomfortable, his coat too stiff, his trousers felt like they had 7 tons of starch put into them- or however you starch clothes, Steven didn’t care, he just knew he couldn’t stand it.

Stationmaster Matthew convinced him that they do get better, Steven wasn’t sure how much longer he could believe that.

This was Stevens fourth day in uniform.

“Watkins can you pass me that when you're done? Sir Topham requires me to send it before the next post.” Steven jumped at this, and snapped his attention up to the blonde in front of him.

“Yes, of course.” He stated, and quickly finished filling it in. He wasn’t thrilled with how the man kept calling him by his last name, Steven isn’t that hard to say! Hell he’d even

take a Steve or two.

He passed it to him “Here you go, Rowley.” He put emphasis on his name at the end. ‘Rowley’ either didn’t notice, or ignored it.

“Thank you.” He gave a curt nod and turned on his heels.

Steven liked that man about as much as he liked the uniform. Didn’t matter how attractive he was, he wasn’t going to get used to him.

“Are you alright Steven!?” ‘Rowley’ asked, rushing over quickly.

Steven didn’t even register the name, “I’m fine. I just hit my head a bit”

“I heard.” He gently lowered Stevens hand from his head. “Your bleeding”

“It’s fine.”


… “Alan.”

“Let me patch you up.”

Steven relented, “Okay..”

Alan led him to a bench and started to clean up the wound.

“What happened to Watkins?”

“What do you mean?”

“You always called me Watkins, what happened there?”

Alan's cheeks flushed a pink, and stammered for a minute. “You were hurt, I panicked. Do you prefer Watkins?”

“No!” Steven said, a little too quickly. “No, I prefer Steven. Last names make me feel in trouble.”

“Right.” He gently pressed the plaster onto Stevens' skin. “I prefer Alan as well.”




“I’ll also take Steve.”

Alan stared at him.

“Stevens fine.”

“Steven it is”

Steven felt pressure on his legs, he looked down from his book and met Alan's eyes, his head laying on his lap.



“You… need something?”


“Right, okay.”

He went back to his book for a minute, before giggling. Which felt inappropriate for the part of the book he was in (someone just got killed).

“Do you want attention or something?”

“A little bit.”


“Stevie.” Oh, that nickname made his heart flutter. Steven put his book down.

“You wanna cuddle in bed?”

Alan’s eyes lit up, “Yes!” He sat up quickly.

Steven put his book under his arm and scooped up Alan, making him yelp out of surprise. Steven kissed his forehead.

“Love you Allie.”

Alan leant against his chest, “love you too”.